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VA GOV: McDonnell Campaign Cash "Nearly" $4.9M

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Ex-VA AG Bob McDonnell, the GOP gubernatorial nominee in Virginia, announced some campaign fundraising numbers today, the Monday after he was officially nominated at the VA GOP's state convention over the weekend. Since the start of the 2nd quarter 4/1, McDonnell's camp says it has raised $3.7M from 2,159 donors (making the average donation per individual right around $1,700). When combined with monies still left over from the 1st quarter, McDonnell's camp claims "nearly" $4.9M cash on hand, according to a release.

This weekend's nominating convention was just a formality for McDonnell, who's been running unopposed for the GOP nomination since January. He's still waiting for VA Dems to choose his opponent from three contenders: ex-DNC chair Terry McAuliffe, state Sen. Creigh Deeds and ex-Del. Brian Moran. Dems are set to make their selection in a statewide primary 6/9.

The fundraising numbers are something of a formality, too. Along with the hotly contested NJ gubernatorial race, VA GOV is seen by both national parties -- but particularly by the beleaguered Republicans -- as a harbinger of '10's congressional cycle. Both parties are expected to pour vast amounts into VA's general election contest, making it tough for either nominee to grab a monetary advantage in the race. It's also hard to determine exactly what candidate fundraising totals foretell in a state with no contribution limits.

Still, McDonnell has shown that he's ready to fight hard to pull the purple VA back into the red column in Nov. Most polls show him leading a general election matchup against the Dem, even after an expensive statewide ad campaign targeting him run by the DGA through a VA-based 527.

There's also the boisterous Dem primary fight, which has focused even more attention on McDonnell criticisms. But the Republican's campaign says all the noise coming from the Democrats has been a good thing for McDonnell.

"We continue to build the resources we need to win this November," McDonnell's campaign manager, Phil Cox, said in the statement announcing the fundraising numbers. "And we are doing this while our potential opponents are waging an expensive and increasingly negative primary race. This is a crucial advantage as we take Bob McDonnell's positive message of new jobs and more opportunities to every voter in Virginia."


VA GOV: McDonnell Campaign Cash "Nearly" $4.9M

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

VA GOV: McDonnell Campaign Cash "Nearly" $4.9M

[Source: Daily News]

VA GOV: McDonnell Campaign Cash "Nearly" $4.9M

[Source: World News]

VA GOV: McDonnell Campaign Cash "Nearly" $4.9M

[Source: Home News]

VA GOV: McDonnell Campaign Cash "Nearly" $4.9M

[Source: News 2]

posted by 77767 @ 8:12 PM, ,

NDN Backgrounder: June 8 White House Meeting & Prospects for Comprehensive Immigration Reform

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NDN has been a leader in advocating for fixing our broken immigration system. As President Barack Obama and Administration officials gear up for their June 8 meeting with Members of Congress regarding comprehensive immigration reform, we wanted to make sure that you had the most up to date information on this issue. 

Additionally, NDN President Simon Rosenberg and NDN Hispanic Programs Vice President Andres Ramirez are available for interviews or analysis and debate.

A Brief Overview of Comprehensive Immigration Reform

  • What Sotomayor Means for Immigration Reform, by Simon Rosenberg, 5/28/09 - Rosenberg contends that while it is still early in the effort to put Sonia Sotomayor on the Supreme Court, the prospects for passing immigration reform this year will improve if she is confirmed.

  • Hispanics Poised To Flex Muscle in Politics, Policy, by Andres Ramirez, Roll Call, 5/18/09 - In this op-ed, Ramirez writes that Hispanics must seize this opportunity by continuing to increase their electoral participation as they have in recent years. This will give them maximum influence over a range of issues.

  • Making the Case: 7 Reasons Congress Should Pass Comprehensive Immigration Reform this Year, Huffington Post, 4/30/09 - Rosenberg argues that the answer to whether Congress can pass reform this year is "yes."

  • Latinos Vote in 2008: Analysis of U.S. Presidential Exit Polls (PDF), Andres Ramirez, 1/18/09 - Ramirez provides an overview of the Hispanic electorate in key states from the 2008 presidential election. The analysis concludes that Hispanics participated in record numbers in this election cycle, increasing their turnout from the 2004 election;  Hispanics significantly shifted towards the Democratic nominee in 2008, reversing trends from the 2000 and 2004 presidential election cycles; Hispanics played a key role in Obama’s victory in Colorado, Florida, Nevada and New Mexico; Hispanics are poised to make other states competitive in future elections; and if these trends continue, the national map will continue to get harder for Republicans.

  • Hispanics Rising II (PDF), 5/30/08 - This important document provides an in-depth narrative of how the immigration issue has impacted American politics and mobilized the Hispanic electorate.

Polling on Comprehensive Immigration Reform Shows Consistent Support for Reform

Other Resources

  • The 50-Year Strategy (PDF), Simon Rosenberg and Peter Leyden, Mother Jones, November 2007 - Rosenberg and Leyden lay out a grand strategy for how today's Democrats can build a lasting electoral majority and today's progressives could seize the new media, build off new constituencies like Hispanics and the Millennial Generation, and solve the urgent governing challenges of our times. 

  • On Obama, Race, and the End of the Southern Strategy, Simon Rosenberg, 1/4/08 and 11/6/08 - Rosenberg writes that for progressives to succeed in the coming century, they must build a new majority coalition very different from the one FDR built in the 20th century. The nation has changed a great deal since the mid-20th century, as we’ve become more Southern and Western, suburban and exurban, Hispanic and Asian, immigrant and Spanish-speaking, more millennial and aging boomer and more digital age in our life and work habits than industrial age. Twent-first century progressive success would require building our politics around these new demographic realities.

NDN Backgrounder: June 8 White House Meeting & Prospects for Comprehensive Immigration Reform

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

NDN Backgrounder: June 8 White House Meeting & Prospects for Comprehensive Immigration Reform

[Source: Journal News]

NDN Backgrounder: June 8 White House Meeting & Prospects for Comprehensive Immigration Reform

[Source: The Daily News]

NDN Backgrounder: June 8 White House Meeting & Prospects for Comprehensive Immigration Reform

[Source: News Herald]

NDN Backgrounder: June 8 White House Meeting & Prospects for Comprehensive Immigration Reform

[Source: Wb News]

NDN Backgrounder: June 8 White House Meeting & Prospects for Comprehensive Immigration Reform

[Source: Cnn News]

posted by 77767 @ 5:04 PM, ,

China To Geithner: It Would Be Helpful If You Could Show Us Some Numbers

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Geithner told China yesterday that the Obama Administration was committed to bringing down the US deficit.

Barack Obama will quadruple the deficit this year.

Geithner also told China that Team Obama wants to bring down the deficit next year from 12.9% of GDP this year to 3% of GDP next year (a near impossibility)...
Or, in other words, back into Bush territory.

In response, China told Geithner to show them some numbers!
Bloomberg reported, via Bizblogger:

In an interview with Bloomberg Television May 21, Geithner said the administration?"s goal is to cut the budget shortfall to 3 percent of gross domestic product or smaller. That would be down from a projected 12.9 percent this year.

Seventeen of 23 Chinese economists polled in connection with Geithner?"s visit said holdings of Treasuries are a ?Sgreat risk? for the nation?"s economy, according to a Chinese state media report yesterday. Still, the majority argued against quickly cutting them, the Beijing-based Global Times reported.

Geithner, 47, needs to show how the U.S. can prevent the value of China?"s investment from being eroded by a weaker dollar or by the inflation that might be stoked by the stimulus money being pumped into the U.S. economy, according to Yu.

?SIt will be helpful if Geithner can show us some arithmetic,? he said.

...The Treasury released a transcript May 30 of a briefing Geithner gave last week at the Foreign Press Center in Washington. In it, he said he will stress with Chinese officials that he?"s intent on maintaining the dollar?"s strength.

?SI will, of course, make it clear that we are committed to a strong dollar, that we are committed to bringing our fiscal deficits down over the medium term to a sustainable place, to a sustainable level,? Geithner said in the briefing May 27. ?SWe believe in a strong dollar. A strong dollar is in the U.S. interest.?

This doesn't sound good at all.
No wonder China is concerned.

The US has lost 16,000 jobs each day since Obama signed the Spendulus Bill and sunk the US economy further into debt.

China To Geithner: It Would Be Helpful If You Could Show Us Some Numbers

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

China To Geithner: It Would Be Helpful If You Could Show Us Some Numbers

[Source: Nbc News]

China To Geithner: It Would Be Helpful If You Could Show Us Some Numbers

[Source: Home News]

China To Geithner: It Would Be Helpful If You Could Show Us Some Numbers

[Source: World News]

China To Geithner: It Would Be Helpful If You Could Show Us Some Numbers

[Source: Abc 7 News]

posted by 77767 @ 4:58 PM, ,

And New Hampshire makes six: House and Senate pass revised same sex marriage law. Governor Lynch will sign it tonight.

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Major progress today in the quest for equality. A big win in New Hampshire finally comes through:
The New Hampshire House has approved a bill to strengthen legal protections for religious organizations related to same-sex marriage, and the governor says he will sign same-sex marriage into law.

The House approved the measure on a vote of 198-176. Supporters of same-sex marriage erupted in cheers and applause as the total was announced.

Gov. John Lynch announced that he would sign the same-sex marriage bill into law on Wednesday evening.

The House vote followed the Senate approving the bill on a 14-10 party-line vote.
Congrats to everyone who worked so hard and diligently to make this happen.

And, this just give more impetus to our friends at the White House to re-think their out-dated strategy on marriage equality.

And New Hampshire makes six: House and Senate pass revised same sex marriage law. Governor Lynch will sign it tonight.

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

And New Hampshire makes six: House and Senate pass revised same sex marriage law. Governor Lynch will sign it tonight.

[Source: Online News]

And New Hampshire makes six: House and Senate pass revised same sex marriage law. Governor Lynch will sign it tonight.

[Source: News 4]

And New Hampshire makes six: House and Senate pass revised same sex marriage law. Governor Lynch will sign it tonight.

[Source: State News]

And New Hampshire makes six: House and Senate pass revised same sex marriage law. Governor Lynch will sign it tonight.

[Source: International News]

posted by 77767 @ 3:47 PM, ,

Craigslist: Libertarian Newspaper Slayer!

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I'd understand if The New Republic's Barron YoungSmith watched this ReasonTV's video excoriating the politicians and pundits who advocate newspaper bailouts and was left wondering if "libertarian ideology is killing newspapers." But this bizarre post at The Plank argues that Craigslist's owners, often (erroneously) blamed for destroying the old media business model by putting classified ads online for free, are destroying the news industry because they "are devoted to a form of libertarian ideology." He explains:

While Wal-Mart is bent on maximizing returns for its shareholders--an appropriate goal, for a corporation--Craigslist is not. Instead, [Big Money's Mark] Gimein explains, Craigslist doesn't even try to profit from its economic activities, because its owners are devoted to a form of libertarian ideology:

For all the stories written about Craigslist and the profiles of its founder, the company can still baffle anybody trying to make sense of it. A telling episode was the performance of Jim Buckmaster, the CEO who runs Craigslist day to day, at an investor conference where he was asked to explain the company's strategy for maximizing revenue. Buckmaster answered that it didn't have one... or want one because that wasn't the point.

[Ellipses in the original.]

I haven't a clue what any of this means. Is one engaged in "economic activities" if, by and large, no money is changing hands? If there is no intention of making a profit; no advertising; and limited fees for those posting ads? (Small fees were first introduced as a way of preventing double posting of real estate listings from spamming New York brokers). So why is Wal-Mart (a company I defended here) not "libertarian," while Craigslist, which is run by the left-liberal Craig Newmark and basically provides its services for free, is? It is unclear how Jim Buckmaster's non-strategy strategy counts as sinister and free market, but YoungSmith adds this bit of clarification:
Instead of profits, Gimein shows, Craigslist's owners manage the organization in the service of an idea.
A lesson that it was hard for [me] to learn," [founder Craig] Newmark told Charlie Rose, "was that people are good and trustworthy and moderate." Craigslist is Newmark's vote of confidence in that lesson. ... Bad things don't come from what two individuals decide to do together. They come from the institutions that stand between them.
Shorter YoungSmith: A business that facilitates yardsale-like transactions, that eases the process of unloading your excess junk on neighborhood hoarders, is working in service of a libertarian idea. And by destroying a key newspaper revenue stream, those Craigslist libertarians are, in turn, destroying those who valiantly defend democracy at the Los Angeles Times, Rocky Mountain News, and Lowell Sun. Or something.

Craigslist: Libertarian Newspaper Slayer!

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Craigslist: Libertarian Newspaper Slayer!

[Source: Stock News]

posted by 77767 @ 2:13 PM, ,

Sotomayor's Porn Trial

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McClatchy's Mike Doyle digs up Farrell v. Burke, a case from 2006 involving a sex offender who had violated his parole by purchasing porn. The salacious details, including Sotomayor reading excerpts from Scum: True Homosexual Experiences, are here. (Unfortunately for the culture warriors, she ultimately sided with the state.) Doyle also highlights this classic exchange between the sex offender's attorney and parole officer:

MR. NATHANSON: Are you saying, for example, that that condition of parole would prohibit Mr. Farrell from possessing, say, Playboy magazine?

P.O. BURKE: Yes.

MR. NATHANSON: Are you saying that that condition of parole would prohibit Mr. Farrell from possessing a photograph of Michelangelo['s] David?

P.O. BURKE: What is that?

MR. NATHANSON: Are you familiar with that sculpture?


MR. NATHANSON: If I tell you it's a large sculpture of a nude youth with his genitals exposed and visible, does that help to refresh your memory of what that is?

P.O. BURKE: If he possessed that, yes, he would be locked up for that.

Sotomayor's Porn Trial

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Sotomayor's Porn Trial

[Source: Mma News]

Sotomayor's Porn Trial

[Source: Boston News]

Sotomayor's Porn Trial

[Source: Market News]

Sotomayor's Porn Trial

[Source: Cbs News]

posted by 77767 @ 1:45 PM, ,


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